The dihydroazulene/vinylheptafulvene (DHA/VHF) thermocouple is a promising can-
didate for thermal heat batteries that absorb and store solar energy as chemical energy
without the need for insulation. However, in order to be viable the energy storage capacity
and lifetime of the high energy form (i.e. the free energy barrier to the back reaction) of
the canonical parent compound must be increased significantly to be of practical use. We
use semiempirical quantum chemical methods, machine learning, and density functional
theory to virtually screen over 230 billion substituted DHA molecules to identify promis-
ing candidates. We identify a molecule with a predicted energy density of 0.38 kJ/g,
which is significantly larger than the 0.14 kJ/g computed for the parent compound. The
free energy barrier to the back reaction is 11 kJ/mol higher than the parent compound,
which should correspond to a half-life of about 10 days - 4 months. This is considerably
longer than the 3-39 hours (depending on solvent) observed for the parent compound
and sufficiently long for many practical applications. However, the main conclusion of
this study is that there are no molecules among the 230 billion with a storage density
approaching 1 kJ/g.