Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
Drugit: Crowd-sourcing molecular design of non-peptidic VHL binders
, Authors:
Thomas Scott, Christian Alan Paul Smethurst, Yvonne Westermaier, Moriz Mayer, Peter Greb, Roland Kousek, Tobias Biberger, Gerd Bader, Zuzana Jandova, Philipp S. Schmalhorst, Julian E. Fuchs, Aniket Magarkar, Christoph Hoenke, Thomas Gerstberger, Steven A. Combs, Richard Pape, Saksham Phul, Sandeepkumar Kothiwale, Andreas Bergner, Alex G. Waterson, Foldit Players, Harald Weinstabl, Darryl B. McConnell, Jark Böttcher, Jens Meiler, Rocco Moretti
Version 1 posted 11 May 2023