Analytical Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
The Sea Spray Chemistry and Particle Evolution Study (SeaSCAPE): Overview and Experimental Methods
, Authors:
Jonathan Sauer, Kathryn Mayer, Christopher Lee, Michael Alves, Sarah Amiri, Cristina Bahaveolos, Emily Barnes, Daniel Crocker, Julie Dinasqauet, Lauren Garofalo, Chathuri Kaluarachchi, Duyen Dang, Delaney Kilgour, Liora Mael, Brock Mitts, Daniel Moon, Clare Morris, Alexia Moore, Chi-min Ni, Matthew Pendergraft, Daniel Petras, Rebecca Simpson, Stephanie Smith, Paul Tumminello, Joseph Walker, Paul Demott, Delphine Farmer, Allen Goldstein, Vicki Grassian, Jules Jaffe, Francesca Malfatti, Todd Martz, Jonathan Slade, Alexei Tivanski, Timothy Bertram, Christopher Cappa, Kimberly Prather
Version 1 posted 29 June 2021