Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
Bio-inspired synthesis and profiling of a potent antiviral flavonol targeting the lipid exchanger OSBP
, Authors:
Gwenaëlle Jézéquel, Zoé Grimanelli, Carole Guimard, Joëlle Bigay, Juliano Haddad, Jérôme Bignon, Cécile Apel, Vincent Steinmetz, Laurie Askenatzis, Hélène Levaïque, Clara Pradelli, Van Cuong Pham, Thi May Huong Doan, Marc Litaudon, Romain Gautier, Chaker El Kalamouni, Bruno Antonny, Sandy Desrat, Bruno Mesmin, Fanny Roussi
Version 1 posted 02 February 2024