N-vinyl azoles are prevalent moieties in pharmaceuticals, and fluorovinyl groups are widely recognized as carbonyl bi-oisosteres in drug design. Thus, N-fluorovinylated heteroarenes represent highly desirable functional groups in medicinal chemistry. To streamline the development of novel N-fluorovinylation and N-pentafluoropropenylation reactions, herein we safely handle fluorinated gases, such as vinylidene fluoride (VDF) and hexafluoropropene (HFP), as solid reagents using a metal–organic framework (MOF), Mg2(dobdc) (dobdc4− = 2,5-dioxidobenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate). Free (NH)-heteroarenes react directly with VDF via a defluorinative pathway under mild conditions, yielding terminal N-fluorovinylated products. Various complex, biologically active molecules smoothly undergo N-fluorovinylation under these conditions in much higher yields than with the gas alone. Mechanistic investigations, including deuterium incorpo-ration experiments and density functional theory calculations, suggest that this transformation represents a rare example of a concerted nucleophilic vinylic substitution (SNV) process. This protocol can be performed on gram scale, and the resulting N-fluorovinyl moieties can be further diversified to yield valuable motifs, such as N-fluorocyclopropyl groups. Finally, this defluorinative coupling can be generalized to other fluorinated alkene gases, such as HFP. Overall, this robust defluorinative coupling offers a straightforward strategy for synthesizing diverse fluorinated heteroarenes from readily available starting materials, providing broad access to these valuable motifs for the first time.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information
Details of experimental procedures