Accurate prediction of reaction energetics remains a fundamental challenge in computational chemistry, as conventional density functional theory (DFT) often fails to reconcile high accuracy with computational effi ciency. Here, we introduce Deep post-Hartree-Fock (DeePHF), a machine learning framework that synergistically integrates neural networks with quantum mechanical descriptors to achieve CCSD(T)-level precision while retaining the efficiency of DFT. By establishing a direct mapping between the eigenvalues of local density matrices and high-level correlation energies, DeePHF circumvents the traditional accuracy-scalability trade-off . Trained on a limited dataset of small-molecule reactions, our method demonstrates unprecedented performance across multiple benchmark
datasets, exhibiting exceptional transferability. In fact, its accuracy even surpasses that of advanced double-hybrid functionals, all while maintaining O(N^3) scaling. DeePHF offers a promising pathway to bridge the gap between high-level quantum chemistry methods and the practical demands for scalable, accurate models in computational chemistry, and with further refi nement, it is poised to make signifi cant contributions to the advancement of chemical reaction modeling.
Supplementary materials
A Deep Learning-Augmented Density Functional Framework for Reaction Modeling with Chemical Accuracy
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