Facing the climate crisis and planetary boundaries, research institutions must address the challenge of becoming climate-neutral and using resources more sustainably. Natural science laboratories are the most resource-intensive and CO2-emitting units within these institutions. Consequently, research groups aim to understand how to lower emissions and become sustainable by participating in green lab programs such as My Green Lab or LEAF. Here, we compare these programs, analyse their impact on emission savings, and give insights from conducting both programs simultaneously in our biological and chemical labs. As a centrepiece, we provide a quantitative comparison of the programs based on a Germany-wide survey of participants from both programs. We showcase the significant impact of the programs on employees' motivation to work sustainably, highlight the advantages and shortcomings of the programs, and elucidate the pitfalls of greenwashing risks and the risks of leaving the most effective measures unimplemented. Finally, we provide decision-making guidance to help scientists choose the most suitable lab sustainability program based on their individual research backgrounds, needs, and personal preferences.
Supplementary materials
SI to 'Lab Sustainability Programs LEAF and My Green Lab: impact, user experience & suitability'
SI shows additionally the distribution of improved aspects outside sustainability, non-significant differences found between different research backgrounds and plots for differences between staff types.
Supplementary weblinks
Dataset, analysis, statistics of 'Lab Sustainability Programs LEAF and My Green Lab: impact, user experience & suitability'
Dataset, analysis and statistics.