Predicting organic reaction feasibility and robustness against environmental factors is challenging. We address this issue by integrating high throughput experimentation (HTE) and Bayesian deep learning. Diverging from existing HTE studies focused on niche chemical spaces, in this work, our in-house HTE platform conducted 11,669 distinct acid amine coupling reactions in 156 working hours, yielding the most extensive single HTE dataset at a volumetric scale for industrial delivery. Our Bayesian neural network model achieved a new benchmark for prediction accuracy of 89.48% for reaction feasibility. Furthermore, our fine-grained uncertainty disentanglement enables efficient active learning, reducing 80% of data requirements. Our uncertainty analysis effectively identifies out-of-domain reactions and evaluates reaction robustness for scaling up, offering a practical framework for navigating chemical spaces and designing highly robust industrial processes.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Materials
Supplementary Materials for Towards Global Feasibility Prediction and Robustness Estimation of Organic Chemical Reactions with High Throughput Experimentation Data and Bayesian Deep Learning
Supplementary weblinks
Code for Towards Global Feasibility Prediction and Robustness Estimation of Organic Chemical Reactions with High Throughput Experimentation Data and Bayesian Deep Learning