Metal recycling plays a crucial role in mitigating the critical metals shortage and reducing reliance on primary mining. Current liquid hydrometallurgy involves significant water and chemical consumption with troublesome secondary waste streams, while pyrometallurgy lacks selectivity and requires substantial energy input. Here we develop an electrothermal chlorination and carbochlorination process, and a specialized compact reactor, for the selective separation of individual critical metals from electronic waste. Our approach uses programmable, pulsed current input to achieve precise control over a wide temperature range (from room temperature to 2400 °C), short reaction duration of seconds, and rapid heating/cooling rates (103 °C s-1) during the process. The method capitalizes on the differences in the free energy formation of the metal chlorides. Once conversion to a specific metal chloride is achieved, that compound distills from the mixture in seconds. This allows for both thermodynamic and kinetic selectivity for desired metals with minimization of impurities.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Information for Flash Separation of Metals by Electrothermal Chlorination
Supplementary Note 1. Thermodynamic analysis……………………………….……….. 2
Supplementary Note 2. Numerical simulation……………………………….……………3
Supplementary Note 3. Carbochlorination kinetics…………………....………………….4
Supplementary Note 4. Discussion on scalability……………….…………….…………..5
Supplementary Note 5. Technoeconomic analysis………………………………………...9
Supplementary Note 6. Life-cycle assessment……………………………………………19
Supplementary Figures……………………………………………………………………21
Supplementary Tables…………………………………………………………………….53
Supplementary References………………………………………………………………..56
Additional Files
Supplementary Data 1. Thermodynamic analysis.
Supplementary Data 2. TEA and LCA.
Supplementary Data 1. Thermodynamic analysis.
Supplementary Data 1. Thermodynamic analysis.
Supplementary Data 2. TEA and LCA.
Supplementary Data 2. TEA and LCA.