Chemical protein synthesis (CPS), in which custom peptide segments of ~20-60 aa are produced by solid-phase peptide synthesis and then stitched together through sequential ligation reactions, is an increasingly popular technique. The workflow of CPS is often depicted with a “bracket” style diagram detailing the starting segments and the order of all ligation, desulfurization, and/or deprotection steps to obtain the product protein. Brackets are invaluable tools for comparing multiple possible synthetic approaches and serve as blueprints throughout a synthesis. Drawing CPS brackets by hand or in standard graphics software, however, is a painstaking and error-prone process. Furthermore, the CPS field lacks a standard bracket format, making side-by-side comparisons difficult. To address these problems, we developed BracketMaker, an open-source Python program with built-in graphic user interface for the rapid creation and analysis of CPS brackets. BracketMaker contains a custom graphics engine which converts a text string (a protein sequence annotated with reaction steps, introduced herein as a standardized format for brackets) into a high-quality vector or PNG image. To aid with new syntheses, BracketMaker’s “AutoBracket” tool automatically performs retrosynthetic analysis on a set of segments to draft and rank all possible ligation orders using standard native chemical ligation, protection, and desulfurization techniques. AutoBracket, in conjunction with an improved version of our previously reported Automated Ligator (Aligator) program, provides a pipeline to rapidly develop synthesis plans for a given protein sequence. We demonstrate the application of both programs to develop a blueprint for 65 proteins of the minimal E. coli ribosome.
Supplementary materials
E. coli Ribosome Brackets
Winning brackets from combined Aligator and Auto-Bracket analysis for the 65 proteins of the minimal E. coli ribosome. All bracket figures were produced in BracketMaker.
Supplementary weblinks
BracketMaker on GitHub
GitHub repository for BracketMaker. Users may download the latest release of the BracketMaker program (Python code and executable for Windows and MacOS) and the BracketMaker user manual.