Machine-learned interatomic models have growing in popularity due to their ability to afford near quantum-accurate predictions for complex phenomena, with orders-of-magnitude greater computational efficiency. However, these models struggle when applied to systems of many element types due to the near exponential increase in number of parameters that must be determined. To mitigate this challenge, we present a new hierarchical transfer learning approach that allows the fitting problem to be decomposed into smaller independent and reusable parameter blocks that enable development of explicitly chemically extensible ML- IAM. Application of this strategy is demonstrated for C and N mixtures under conditions ranging from nominally ambient to approximately 10,000 K and 200 GPa, and compositions from 0 to 100 % N. Ultimately, this strategy makes model generation for chemically complex systems more tractable and efficient, facilitates comprehensive model validation, and makes ML-IAM development for problems of this nature more accessible to users with limited access to extreme computing infrastructure.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Information
Additional validation for the models developed in this work