Fast computational evaluation and classification of concentration responses for hundreds of metabolites represented by their mass-to-charge (m/z) ratios is indispensable for unraveling complex metabolomic drug actions in label-free, whole-cell Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI MS) bioassays. In particular, the identification of novel pharmacodynamic biomarkers to determine target engagement, potency and potential polypharmacology of drug-like compounds in high-throughput applications requires robust data interpretation pipelines. Given the large number of mass features in cell-based MALDI MS bioassays, reliable identification of true biological response patterns and their differentiation from potentially present measurement artefacts is critical. To facilitate the exploration of metabolomic responses in complex MALDI MS datasets, we present a novel software tool, M2ara. Implemented as a user-friendly R-based shiny application, it enables rapid evaluation of Molecular High Content Screening (MHCS) assay data. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of Curve Response Score (CRS) and CRS fingerprints to enable rapid visual inspection and ranking of mass features. In addition, these CRS fingerprints allow direct comparison of cellular effects among different compounds. Beyond cellular assays, our computational framework can also be applied to MALDI MS-based (cell-free) biochemical assays in general.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary material
Details on the curve response score as well as additional example figures.