Planarity of graphene supports with point defects and ad-atom vanadium metal single atom catalyst, V-SAC@graphene highlights the structural retainability of the catalyst for industrial applications. First-principles calculations of N2 chemisorption and reduction efficiency on pristine, single vacancy graphene (SVG) and double vacancy graphene shows V-SAC to show a difference in the catalytic activity when changes are introduced onto the coordination of the metal atom and the electronic behaviour of the adsorbates are found to change favourably in case of double vacancy graphene systems. A facile protonation and reduction of N2 to NH3 is observed in DVG catalyst following dπ-pπ* electron transfer from V-metal to N2 gas and subsequent σ-dπ* electron back donation from N2 gas to V-metal. A case of mono-atom doping of boron on double vacancy graphene with V-SAC has been proposed as an efficient NRR catalyst and the NRR limiting potential of -0.36 V and the inclusion of planarity for optimal application of graphene-based has been proposed.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Information for Which graphene is optimal for nitrogen reduction and activation? - A DFT study with VSAC on graphene
1. C42-graphene structures with their respective V-SAC binding energies and MPP values of the graphene nanoflakes.
2. Single vacancy graphene (SVG) structures with V-SAC binding energies and MPP values of the SV-graphene nanoflakes
3. Double vacancy graphene (DVG) structures with V-SAC binding energies and MPP values of the SV-graphene nanoflakes
4. Löwdin charge analysis of N2 adsorption on the selected 15 graphene systems.
5. Free energy diagram of all possible routes of Nitrogen Reduction Reaction (NRR) on the selected graphene systems.
6. Löwdin charges on V-atom and adsorbed N-atoms following the protonation steps in enzymatic and consecutive NRR pathway in C42-pris@V catalyst.
7. Löwdin charges on V-atom and adsorbed N-atoms following the protonation steps in distal and alternating NRR pathway in B2C1-SVG@V catalyst.