The ability and desire to generate kinetic data has greatly increased in recent years, requiring more automated and quantitative methods for analysis. In this work, an automated program (Auto-VTNA) is developed, to simplify the kinetic analysis workflow. The Auto-VTNA solver allows all the reaction orders to be determined concurrently, expediting the process of kinetic analysis. Auto-VTNA performs well on noisy or sparse data sets and can handle complex reactions involving changing reaction orders. Quantitative error analysis and facile visualisation allows users to numerically justify and robustly present their findings. Auto-VTNA can be used through a free graphical user interface (GUI), requiring no coding or kinetic knowledge from the user, or can be customised and built on if required. The code and executable application ("Auto-VTNA Calculator") can be found at https://github.com/ddalland/Auto-VTNA.
Supplementary materials
Electronic Supplementary Information for Auto-VTNA
This document contains details on the underlying theory of the Auto-VTNA work, the choices made when developing the method, analysis of the method efficiency, a user guide for the code and Auto-VTNA Calculator application, and more detail on the analysis of the literature examples.
Supplementary weblinks
Access to the code and executable application "Auto-VTNA Calculator"
A link to the GitHub repository containing the code for the auto-vtna python package, and explanation and examples of use of this code. Also, a link to the executable application "Auto-VTNA Calculator" designed to be a freely available, coding free application for Auto-VTNA.