Strong correlation has been said to have many faces,1 and appears to have many
synonyms of questionable suitability. In this work we aim not to define the term once
and for all, but to highlight one possibility that is both rigorously defined and physically
transparent, and remains so in reference to molecules and quantum lattice models. We
survey both molecular examples – hydrogen systems (Hn, n=2, 4, 6), Be2, H-He-H, and
benzene – and the half-filled Hubbard model over a range of correlation regimes. Various
quantities are examined including the extent of spin symmetry breaking in correlated
single-reference wavefunctions, energetic ratios inspired by the Hubbard model and the
Virial theorem, and metrics derived from the one- and two-electron reduced density
matrices. The trace and the square norm of the cumulant of the two-electron reduced
density matrix capture what may well be defined as strong correlation. Accordingly,
strong correlation is understood as a statistical dependence between two electrons, and
is distinct from the concepts of “correlation energy" and more general than entangle-
ment quantities that require a partitioning of a quantum system into distinguishable
subspaces. This work enables us to build a bridge between a rigorous and quantifi-
able regime of strong electron correlation and more familiar chemical concepts such as
anti-aromaticity in the context of Baird’s rule.