Deformation of nanoporous materials during gas adsorption has been attracting considerable attention due to various applications including energy and gas storage separations, carbon capture, and separations. While most of practical applications involve multicomponent mixtures, most of experimental and theoretical works deal with single component adsorption. Here, we study the specifics of adsorption-induced deformation during displacement of methane by carbon dioxide from carbon nanopores, the process of a paramount importance for secondary gas recover and carbon sequestration in shale and coal formations. Density functional theory calculations augmented by the perturbed chain statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT-DFT) and grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC simulations are employed to model adsorption of CH4-CO2 mixtures on carbon slit pores of various size. We found a non-monotonic behavior of the adsorption deformation with increasing pressure and varying mixture composition that is explained by the peculiarities of molecule packings confined to nanoscale pores. The SAFT-DFT method is shown to produce results which are in agreement with atomistic GCMC simulations at a fraction of the computational cost. The SAFT-DFT method can be extended to study adsorption selectivity and deformation effects for complex mixtures, including hydrocarbons and CO2.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Information - Deformation of Nanoporous Carbons Induced By Multicomponent Adsorption: Insight from the SAFT-DFT Model
S1: SAFT Model Parameters
S2: Adsorption Stress Calculations