We present an ab initio tight-binding method that allows to improve on the effective potential and minimal basis approximations employed in semi-empirical calculations. Three-center expansions are used to evaluate the zeroth-order Hamiltonian matrix elements and repulsive energy terms in the spirit of the Horsfield method. Self-consistency is handled by expanding atomic orbital products in an auxiliary basis following the work of Giese and York, combined with a two-center expansion of the exchange-correlation kernels. Together with non-minimal main basis sets (double zeta plus polarization) we show that the resulting method trades a modest amount of accuracy for a significant gain in speed, compared to NAO-DFT, in calculations on small molecules, bulk compounds and metal nanoclusters.
Supplementary materials
Computational details and tables of calculated properties
Computational details and tables of calculated properties
Coordinates in XYZ format of all investigated structures
Coordinates in XYZ format of all investigated structures