We present a tool, one that is both a stand-alone web-based video game and a Python package, designed for students to explore a particle’s wave function on one- dimensional potential surfaces. The tool relies on a basis set formalism and can there- fore explore any one-dimensional potential surface imaginable. This tool also lets students interact with the wave function and is the first of its kind to explore concepts such as the superposition principle and wave function collapse; its time-dependent na- ture shows how any wave function evolves over time allowing for exploration of other concepts such as the uncertainty principle. The video game’s ease of use makes these concepts accessible to anyone, without prior chemistry or programming background— though we expect that it would be most useful for undergraduate physical chemistry students and instructors. Preliminary use of QPiaS in a physical chemistry undergrad- uate course shows encouraging feedback regarding advancements in learning outcomes.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information for Quantum Particle-in-a-Sandbox
This Supporting Information contains a detailed description of the underlying theoretical framework of Quantum Particle-in-a-Sandbox (QPiaS); QPiaS installation instructions for Windows, Mac, and Linux/Unix operating systems; examples of how to use QPiaS as a modular Python package; feedback survey used for student assessment; and results from the feedback survey.