In order to exploit the unique optical properties of gold nanoparticles, precise size and shape control is required. We have designed and constructed the highly customizable BONAPARTE (BOttom-up NAnoPARTiclE synthesis robot, which consists of components that are easy to obtain and cost-effective. Using the robot, critical reaction parameters such as pipetting speed, position and delays were examined. We found that the effect of both the pipetting speed and position have an influence on the final gold cluster size. The effect of the cluster size on the length of gold nanorods was investigated in a two-step seed-growth synthesis. Additionally, we showed time-critical steps in the synthesis of gold nanostars, can be performed with superior accuracy by the robot. Overall, the robot displayed improved reproducibility when compared to nanoparticle synthesis performed manually by persons of different experience.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information
Supporting Information for the manuscript: BONAPARTE robot: improving the reproducibility and identifying critical
parameters of the synthesis of gold nanoparticles