The quick identification of known organic low molecular weight compounds, also known as structural dereplication, is a highly important task in the chemical profiling of natural resource extracts. To that end, a method that relies on carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, elaborated in earlier works of the author's research group, requires the availability of a dedicated database that establishes relationships between chemical structures, biological and chemical taxonomy, and spectroscopy. The construction of such a database, called acd_lotus, was reported earlier and its usefulness was illustrated by three examples only. This article presents the results of structure searches carried out starting from 58 carbon-13 NMR data sets recorded on compounds selected in the metabolomics section of the biological magnetic resonance bank (BMRB). Two compound retrieval methods were employed. The first one involves searching in the acd_lotus database using a commercial software. The second one operates through the freely accessible web interface of the nmrshiftdb2 database, that includes the compounds present in acd_lotus and many others. The two structural dereplication methods have proved to be efficient and can be used together in a complementary way.
Supplementary weblinks
An assessment of acd_lotus for the structural dereplication of natural products using 13C NMR spectroscopy data.
A method that relies on carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, elaborated in earlier works of the author's research group, requires the availability of a dedicated database that establishes relationships between chemical structures, biological and chemical taxonomy, and spectroscopy. The construction of such a database, called acd_lotus, was reported earlier and its usefulness was only illustrated by three examples. This dataset provides the results of structure searches carried out starting from 58 carbon-13 NMR data sets recorded on compounds selected in the metabolomics section of BMRB, the biological magnetic resonance bank.