In our taught chemistry curricula, the majority of individuals who are used to illustrate historical aspects of chemistry topics are white western chemists. Decolonizing the undergraduate chemistry curricula is increasingly recognized as an important step towards developing a more inclusive higher-education environment for students from minoritized ethnic backgrounds. Here, we provide the first openly accessible resource that can be used to decolonize an undergraduate chemistry course. In particular, the resource provides examples of both individual scientists and groups that can be used to illustrate chemistry teaching, and hence provide role model examples of scientists from different cultures. The resource presented provides a significant body of examples for chemistry lecturers to use as they begin working towards decolonizing their curricula.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Information- A Resource to Support Decolonization of the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum
The Supplementary Information provided provides
Tabulated Contributions of Contributions from Ancient and Medieval Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Chemists , Short Biographical Profiles of Asian and Black American
Chemists and their contribution to the development of chemistry, Other resources and further references that can help in decolonizing an undergraduate curriculum
Supplementary weblinks
Supplementary Material- A Resource to Support Decolonization of the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum
The Supplementary Information provided provides
Illustrated Biographies of Some Black American Chemists and their contribution to the development of chemistry, Illustrated Biographies of Asian Chemists and and their contribution to the development of chemistry and Tables Illustrating Contributions from ancient China, India, Arab and Africa to the development of chemistry