Real-time (RT) electron density propagation with time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) or
Hartree-Fock (TDHF) is one of the most popular methods to model the charge transfer in molecules and
materials. However, both RT-TDHF and RT-TDDFT within the adiabatic approximation are known to
produce inaccurate evolution of the electron density away from the ground state in model systems, leading
to large errors in charge transfer and erroneous shifting of peaks in absorption spectra. Given the poor
performance of these methods with small model systems and the widespread use of the methods with larger
molecular and materials systems, here we bridge the gap in our understanding of these methods and examine
the size-dependence of errors in real-time density propagation. We analyze the performance of real-time
density propagation for systems of increasing size during the application of a continuous resonant field to
induce Rabi-like oscillations, during charge-transfer dynamics, and for peak shifting in simulated absorption
spectra. We find that the errors in the electron dynamics are indeed size dependent for these phenomena,
with the largest system producing the results most aligned with those expected from linear response theory.
The results suggest that although RT-TDHF and RT-TDDFT methods may produce severe errors for model
systems, the errors in charge transfer and resonantly driven electron dynamics may be much less significant
for more realistic, large-scale molecules and materials.
Supplementary materials
Supporting info for ”Size-Dependent Errors in Real-Time Electron Density Propagation”
Supporting information.