The Coulomb barrier occurs at the quantum interface between the strong and the electromagnetic fundamental forces. Overcoming the Coulomb barrier is the central goal of nuclear fusion, and an effective model of the barrier can only accelerate the achievement of this potential source of clean and abundant energy. A recently introduced magnetic “Coulomb” barrier model provides a visual and tactile representation of the fusion potential curve, including the counterintuitive combination of far-range repulsion and close-range attraction (https://youtu.be/FzEHs47nylA). The model contains a pair of opposing circular magnet arrays, each array comprising a series of double north-oriented magnets alternating in regular sequence with single south-oriented magnets. This configuration generates complex magnetic fields between the arrays, with the result that the net force between them (attractive or repulsive) depends on the degree of separation. The close-range dynamic simulates the behavior of the strong nuclear force within the Coulomb barrier, and the plot of magnetic force versus distance reproduces the familiar fusion potential curve. Given Maxwell’s unification of electricity and magnetism within the electromagnetic fundamental force, the question arises as to whether alternating and unequal electric fields might also demonstrate a potential barrier. In this exercise, the circular alternating and unequal magnet sequences of each magnet array are replaced by theoretical alternating +1 and -2 coulomb electrostatic charges to produce a pair of opposing electrostatic arrays. The centimeter scale and essential geometry are preserved. Coulomb’s law is then used to calculate component forces at incremental distances between the arrays. The theoretical electrostatic analog of the magnetic "Coulomb" barrier apparatus generates a force/distance curve that is nearly identical to the magnetic barrier curve but differing only in magnitude. Combinations of opposite and unequal charges also have the capacity to emulate or model quark “confinement.” Like the Coulomb barrier, confinement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon. Nothing like it exists in the classical domain. And like the Coulomb barrier, confinement forces may be modeled with an appropriately configured sequence of alternating and unequal charges, as shown in Figure 3(a).
Here, the six alternating +1 and -2 coulomb charges are assumed to occupy fixed positions 1 cm apart. A displacement force is applied to an internal -2 charge in a direction orthogonal to the linear sequence. The orthogonal force component between the internal -2 charge and each of the other charges in the sequence is then determined using Coulomb's law. The sum of these forces is plotted versus the distance between the displaced charge and its original in-line position (see Figure 3(b)). The plot is undeniably electrostatic and yet bears no resemblance to the inverse square plot normally associated with the force between a pair of charged particles. In fact, this electrostatic force/distance curve more closely resembles published quark “confinement" force behavior.
Supplementary materials
force/distance calculations, heatmap data
This spreadsheet contains the the calculations for Figs. 1 and 2
Supplementary weblinks
Video of magnetic "Coulomb" barrier apparatus
The manuscript presents an electrostatic model of the magnetic "Coulomb" barrier featured in this 52 second video