Oriented attachment of nanobricks into hierarchical multi-scale structures such as inorganic nanoclusters is one of the crystallization mechanisms that has revolutionized the field of nano and materials science. Herein, we show that the mosaicity, which measures the misalignment of crystal plane orientation between the nanobricks, governs their magneto-optical properties as well as the magnetic heating functions of iron oxide nanoclusters. Thanks to high-temperature and time-resolved microfluidics, we were able to isolate and characterize (structure, properties, function) the different intermediates involved in the diverse steps of the nanocluster’s formation, to propose a detailed dynamical mechanism of their formation and establish a clear correlation between changes in mosaicity at the nanoscale and their resulting physical properties. Finally, we demonstrate that their magneto-optical properties can be described using simple molecular theories.
Supplementary materials
SI Angular Orientation between the Cores of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoclusters Controls their Properties and Functions