Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is crucially important for the correct description of the electronic structure and transport properties of inorganic semiconductors, and for assessing topological properties as in topological insulators. We present a consistent set of SOC parameters for the density-functional based tight-binding (DFTB) method covering the elements throughout the periodic table. The parameters are based on atomic SOC data calculated at the level of density- functional theory (DFT). We tested these parameters for representative systems with significant SOC, including transition metal dichalcogenide two-dimensional crystals, III-V bulk semiconductors, and topological insulators. Our parameterization opens the door for DFTB- based electronic structure and transport calculations of very large systems, such as twisted van der Waals heterostructures.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information
The respective file contains the spin-orbit coupling parameters along with the lattice parameters as well as optimised geometries.
Supplementary weblinks
DFTB Parameters for Spin-Orbit Coupling
Spin orbit coupling parameters throughout the periodic table for DFTB
Here we present the Spin orbit coupling parameters through the perioidic table. The parameters works well in DFTB and have been benchmarked for different materials such as III-V semiconductors, Topological insulators, and Two dimensional dichalcogenides TMDCs against DFT.