Plasma in-liquid by means of anodic contact
glow discharge electrolysis (aCGDE) is a grow-
ing research field allowing the selective modifi-
cation of the electrode and the electrolyte. The
aim of this proof of concept study is to demon-
strate that auxiliary electrochemical electrodes
placed in vicinity to the plasma electrode, can
be modified by aCGDE. Furthermore, we illus-
trate in how far such auxiliary electrodes can be
used as a probe to detect products (in particu-
lar H2 , H2O2 , and O2 ) formed in the solution by
aCGDE via electrochemical techniques. In this
work aCGDE is achieved by applying a voltage
of 580 V to a small Pt wire (plasma electrode)
vs. a large stainless steel counter electrode. An
auxiliary Pt electrochemical working electrode,
operated in a three electrode configuration, is
placed at different distances from the plasma
working electrode. Depending on the distance,
we find small changes in the electrode struc-
ture. More importantly, we will show that in
principle the local H2 O2 concentration in the
electrolyte can be monitored operando. After
aCGDE the concentration changes with time
and depends on the distance from the plasma