The present work reveals that a prebiotic chemical system can generate self-organizing ability that leads to highly ordered structures and an active character such as free independent harmonious behavior. This result is the properties of natural things that have long been overlooked since Darwin’s theory of evolution or the Darwinism established in the early twentieth century. To date, it has in general been believed that natural things are only objective existents and cannot demonstrate an active character such as free independent behavior. Studies thus far conducted on the emergence of life have lacked the theoretical fundamental principle for it. The present work clearly shows, by computer simulation and experiments, that a stationary state of an open reaction network has such self-organizing ability as mentioned above and can act as a precursor of the primitive life on the earth. We can thus start study on the emergence of life from a new perspective on a scientific basis.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Information for Dynamic Self-organization in an Open Reaction Network as the Fundamental Principle for the Emergence of Life
This file presents reaction conditions used to calculate time courses of concentrations in Figures 2 and 3 of the main text.