This paper evaluates the applicability of a new sampling device for monitoring vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) in drinking water networks. This system consists of an adsorbing cartridge filled with a strong adsorbent enclosed between two sheets of polyethylene-polyamide membrane. The passive sampler (PS) combines preconcentration on the cartridge with easy extraction by thermal desorption into a gas chromatograph (GC), coupled with a tandem mass spectrometer (MS/MS). In order to estimate the suitability of the device for this application, samplers were calibrated in a hydraulic pilot under controlled parameters. The influences of temperature, flow velocity and variation of concentration of exposure were then examined. Linear uptake was observed during a VCM exposure of 12 days and the effect of temperature on the sampling rate was evaluated. This sampling device responds to an aquatic environmental contamination and Public Health issue, both by the organic volatile contaminant monitored in this environment, and by the sampling approach, still little used in drinking water networks. It offers a complementary monitoring to the current technique, providing a more representative assessment of the temporal contamination.
Supplementary materials
Development and calibration of an integrative passive sampler for monitoring VCM in drinking water networks, supporting information
Additional experimental details, including apparatus parameters and scheme of the hydraulic pilot. Additional results including thermal desorption parameters optimization, analyte stability, average concentrations in water for calibration, and R codes used for the statistical study.