Evaluation of the equilibrium constant of boron isotope fractionation between boric acid and borate
(k3−4) in water is of high geochemical importance, due to its contribution in reconstruction of ancient
seawater pH and atmospheric CO2. As a result, precise evaluation of k3−4 has been the subject of
numerous studies, yielding diverse and controversial results. In the present study, employing three
different rigorous and high-precision theoretical approaches, we provide a reliable estimation of k3−4
which is a value between 1.028 to 1.030 for both pure and saline water. Within the context of present
study, we also propose partial normal mode analysis, Boltzmann weighted averaging and a revision
on the Bigeleisen and Mayer method which allow a more rigorous evaluation of isotope fraction in
solution and can be used for studying other isotopic systems as well.