Hydriding corrosion of plutonium leads to surface cracking, pitting, and ultimately structural failure. Laboratory experiments demonstrate that hydriding begins on the surface or near subsurface of plutonium. However there has not yet been a systematic evaluation of hydrogen surface coverage on plutonium. In this work, we compute the surface energies of the low facet surfaces of face-centered cubic δ-Pu. The adsorption free energies of expected hydrogen structures at low and high coverage are presented, along with the likely progression for filling sites as the H2 partial pressure increases. Implications for near-equilibrium pressure hydride nucleation and non-equilibrium millibar pressure hydriding are discussed.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information: A first-principles study of hydrogen surface coverage on δ-Pu (100), (111), and (110) surfaces
This file contains the following supporting information:
• tabulated simulation results for figures 2,4,6,8
• additional figure showing spin ordering in AFM δ-Pu slabs