A series of (N2P2)NiII complexes (N2P2 =
P,P’-ditertbutyl-2,11-diphosphonito[3.3](2,6)pyridinophane) stabilized by a
modified tetradentate pyridinophane ligand containing two phosphonite groups
were synthesized and characterized. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) studies revealed
the accessibility of the NiI oxidation state at moderate redox
potentials for these NiII complexes. In situ EPR, low-temperature UV-vis, and electrochemical studies
were employed to detect the formation of NiI species during the
reduction of NiII precursors. Furthermore, the [(N2P2)NiI(CNtBu)](SbF6)
complex was isolated upon reduction of the NiII precursor with 1
equiv of CoCp2, and was characterized by EPR and X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS). Finally, the (N2P2)NiIIBr2 complex
acts as an efficient catalyst for the Kumada cross-coupling of an aryl halide with
an aryl or alkyl Grignard, suggesting that the N2P2 ligand can support the
various Ni species involved in the catalytic C-C bond formation reactivity.
Supplementary materials
N2P2 Organometallics SuppInfo 010221