Carbon dioxide (CO2) recycling holds
promise to mitigate anthropogenic emissions and to increase the sustainability of
many chemical and fuel production processes. Despite marked advances in catalyst
activity and selectivity at laboratory scale, fundamental understanding of the
electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 remains limited, resulting in
great uncertainty when extrapolating data to industrially relevant reaction
rates. Importantly, the predominant models apply linear Tafel extrapolation,
which drastically overpredicts the current density at large overpotentials. Researchers
have posited several models to explain the curvature in Tafel behavior for CO2
reduction catalysis. Here we compare the ability of select models using Bayesian
inference to explain curvature in Tafel behavior within the context of CO2
reduction to CO catalyzed by gold surfaces. By harvesting Tafel data on gold
surfaces from multiple literature sources in a variety of reactor
configurations, we identify three important features common to the aggregate
data on Au-mediated CO2 reduction: (1) curvature in the Tafel plot at
high overpotentials is only partly caused by mass transfer limitations; (2) the
Marcus-Hush-Chidsey model for rate-limiting single-electron transfer kinetics provides
the best fit to the data of the models tested; and finally, (3) the highly
varied data collapse onto a single curve governed by the maximum predicted
current in the electron-transfer-limited model. This analysis sets a foundation
for determining more accurate activity-driving force relationships for CO2
reduction on electrocatalytic surfaces, both improving the quality of
system-level analyses and motivating further research into the underlying mechanisms
of CO2 reduction catalysis.
Supplementary materials
Brown & Orella Supporting Information