present quantum-mechanical and molecular-mechanics study reveals the crucial
roles of H2 formation, of H2S shift and of N2
bond expansion in the nitrogenase process of the reduction of N2 to NH3. Proton and electron transfers to the Fe(C@Fe6S9)Mo
unit of the FeMo-co complex weaken the Fe-S and Fe-H bonds and expose the Fe coordination sites, coupled with energy
release due to H2 generation. Thereby the two sites Fe2 and Fe6 become prepared for stronger N2 adsorption, expanding
and attenuating the ǀN≡Nǀ bond.
After subsequent detachment of H2S from its Fe binding site into a holding site of the
rearranged protein residue, the Fe6
site becomes completely unfolded, and the N2 triple bond becomes completely
activated to an ‑N=N- double bond for easy subsequent
hydrogenation to NH3. We explain in particular, why the obligatory H2
formation is an essential step in N2 adsorption and activation
Supplementary materials
ChemRxiv N2 FeMoco SI Submission