The main goal of this work is to assess heavy oil
viscosity estimates by a Corresponding States
Principle (CSP) model using a Bayesian approach in an efficient way. To determine and select relevant parameters for model calibration,
an enhanced Elementary Effects method is used
to evaluate sensitivity measures of CSP tuning
parameters. With the combination of sensitivity analysis and Bayesian calibration, a unified
procedure to automatically tune CSP viscosity
model while reducing the number of tuning parameters is devised. Moreover, the Bayesian approach provides additional information on CSP
model uncertainties and credible regions inherited from experimental data. To evaluate such
uncertainties in CSP viscosity model, it was
used five heavy oil samples available in the literature. The viscosity curves constructed by
50th-percentile from Monte Carlo realizations
for the CSP calibration show good agreement
when compared with classical Least-Squares regression (deterministic), demonstrating the potential of the sensitivity assessment for both
Bayesian and deterministic approaches. However, when Bayesian calibration is used, limitations of CSP viscosity estimates are detected
through violation of credible regions, suggesting that heavy oil viscosity estimates for relatively low pressure conditions can be insufficiently accurate for the CSP model considered
in this study
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